The Spirit of every age defines an artwork as a product of its time.
Within Nigeria and in the global space, humanity is confronted with challenges that appear daunting, almost to a point of suffocation. Yet mankind MUST have some unfettered access to conducive atmosphere and circumstances that keep our life endeavors on-going
The festival competition is open to all young Nigerians and to Foreigners who have lived in Nigeria for up to 5 years, and will not be more than 35years of age on the 25th of October 2025.
Female and young artists with disability are encouraged to apply.
Access Bank: Acct.Number 0058469668
(Account Name: life in my city art initiative).
International Travel for Top 6 Artists
The deadline for completed/saved application forms with receipt and artworks is May 31st, 2025 . Works not recieved ONLINE on or before the deadline will not be accepted.
DATE: Saturday 25th October, 2025.
VENUE: International Conference Centre, IMT, Enugu.
Phone:+234-7039353538(LIMCAF Office)
+234-8032514211 (Admin. Manager)